Thursday, February 24, 2011

Discover an Ancient System that You can use to Save $$$ while Promoting Your Fabulous Clothing Line!

Looking for ways to cut your costs while promoting your brand? My friend forwarded this video to me and I'd like to share with you! We're creative designers, artsy people but, when it comes to marketing and promoting our brands are we transferring that same creative energy into promoting?

Trade shows and events cost are what they are so, it's up to you to figure figure out how to cut costs.

Bartering as a method for exchange:
The sister design team of Porter Grey made it happen. Although, they still spent a pretty penny, they cut their cost dramatically by 35% or so! That's pretty amazing, don't you think? Even if you already have a financial backer, it's a great idea to only spend on what's truly needed and try bartering to cut costs.

Here's link to video:

So, don't let the lack of money stop you from achieving your goals. Grab a pen and paper and start jotting down all of the ways that you can start saving today. Let your creativity soar through your entire business not just in the design aspect.


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