Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Is Being a Do-It-Yourselfer Holding You Back from Blossoming?

If you are an entreprenuer who runs the entire show yourself you could be faced with the, "I must do everything myself" syndrome. This in fact could possibly be holding you back from achieving more sales and focusing on the tasks that you are skilled in.

I've had to evaluate my workload and learn how to delegate work out to either freelancers or interns. I've also just found out about virtual assistants whom you can hire from various online companies. You can hire a virtual assistant from different countries not just within where you live. I have not hired a VA yet but, when I do I will let you know how it works out!

If you're an artist, you truly care about presentation online and offline but, try not to do all of the artistic work yourself. Delegate small projects out like creating logos, flyers and catalogs. You can also have them build up your social network pages. This can save you tons of time, even though you may be skilled at doing these tasks yourself. You will now have the time to focus on the more important tasks like designing you product and selling it. The sooner we delegate or outsource work the more time we will have to do the things that we truly want or need to do.

There's always a way to get affordable assistance. Try one of the ways that I listed above (freelancers, interns, VA's) and let me know how it works for you.

Do you already have assistants in your business? What was the tipping point that made you realize that you can't do everything yourself?

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