Friday, May 9, 2008

A Follow Up Interview Tip that Will Get You Noticed

Everyone knows that thank you cards are a must, right? They show that you really appreciate your interviewer's time and that you have a real interest in the position that you have interviewed for.

Here's the tip:
Buy your thank you card immediately after the interview rather than buying a generic box of cards. When you buy cards individually you get to choose the card based on the company's culture and the feeling that you received from the person who interviewed you. You will be able to pick up on whether the person is conservative or artsy. Buy your card and have a cup of coffee and write your draft. Highlight key points that your interviewer stressed. Also reconfirm the reason why you would make the perfect candidate. Keep your card brief and upbeat!

Forget about snail mail. Now that your card is finished. Go back to the company where you interviewed and drop it off with the receptionist.

Your interviewer will most likely appreciate this quick and immediate attention. In this competitive environment where there are so many people applying for jobs, tips like this can set you apart from your competition.


Scott said...

Great idea for making a lasting impression with your interviewer. I've always just send an email, but your ideas is more personal.

Unknown said...

Thanks Scott!
Whatever we can do to get noticed quicker than our competitors is best especially in a down economy. I've personally used this tactic.