Saturday, May 14, 2011

Looking for Clarity & a Boost of Creativity for Your Fashion Business?

I just came across this exercise while I was not feeling so well. I was sick a few days ago with flu like symptoms. The only food that I had in two days was a fresh lemon and honey mix drink and tons of water. Believe it or not, although I was feeling bad physically, I was able to get my work done. I had a boost of mental clarity and confidence! I put two and two together and realized that I was on a mini fast since I was only digesting liquids. This was helping me to gain new ideas and have clarity. I loved it! It makes me respect my body, mind and spirit even more. I now know that fasting is not only to loose weight, to cleanse the body or to heal a physical condition it can be used for mind clarity and to solve creative challenges.

How about you? Do you have mental clarity or a burst of creative energy when you're fasting?

The next time when you're not feeling so well and are only drinking liquids see if your mind is more sharp even though you may be in physical pain. Everyone is different so you may have your own unique experience.

This is just one way to gain clarity and creativity. I hope that it works for you!


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1 comment:

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