Thursday, August 20, 2009

Time Management for Entreprenuers

Time management can be tricky while freelancing and working a business. As you can see, I have not posted in a while! I've found that making sure that I do at least one or two major tasks for my business each day continues the flow of operations and keeps me in track with my goals.

Now, I just have to allot time for new posts! There's so much information to share. I'll post again soon.

If you are working and running your own business as well, please share your experience of what works and what doesn't in managing your time.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Fashion Trigger,

Thank you for reading our blog and a big thanks for your compliment! Talk about "Time Management", I haven't post a new entry in a while. I will do so soon as I miss the blogging community and I have gained more experiences that I'd love to share. Thank you for inspiring me:)