Monday, April 21, 2008

The Yeahs and Woes of Website Personalities

Are you getting the sales results that you want online? If so, that's great! If not, then there could be a few things going wrong. Maybe your sight is not enticing enough, the products don't interest the prospect, your offer may not be strong enough, not enough new items or the classic, prospect is just not ready to buy.

If your're an artist/fashion designer and you've created your own web presence in any platform whether it's your own store or Myspace, Blogger, Facebook or even a classified ads, I want to share with you a cool tip that could help you bring in more dollars!

I want to discuss your website's personality in relation to sales. Is your site uplifting, energetic and happy or dull and drab? Sometimes we are so attached to the products that we've designed, marketing strategies, and just learning about the dynamics of selling online that we forget to take a breather. Step back and see if the work we are doing is shown in an exciting way that will entice prospects. I'm speaking from first hand experience if you can't already tell. A friend of mine who is a graphic artist gave me a list of things that I needed to change to make the mood of my site more happier and to reflect the company's name and my product. I listened, took notes and made the changes.

I must say that having others show you problems is a stepping stone to success. My advice is to survey your customers, ask friends and family for their honest opinions. You can only get the answers you need if you make the first step and ask! There's no time to overlook your site's mood. It's very critical to sales.

So, my tip for today is to re-evaluate your website. When you look at it does it make you want to purchase something right away? You could have designed the cutest dress or handbag but, if the mood of your site is dull and drab then, sales will be as well. The good thing about the internet is that it's only one click away to making a change. If you need assistance with web copy and graphics, you might just have to hire a professional. The whole idea is to have a site that says


Take a look at your favorite sites and take note of the things that make you want to keep revisiting them. Of course, each site has it's own character, it's own product but, look at a site that's similar to yours that is one of your favorites and see why it is so enticing for you to keep coming back!

Best of Luck!
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Davidlind said...

Thanks for showing up at my site and cheering me up. And thanks for the review and the correction. One good turn deserves another.

And I like your blog. It has a lot of energy and good content.

Unknown said...

Thanks David! I'll be back to visit your blog. I'd love to see more of your pictures.