Thursday, February 26, 2009


I haven't posted in a month. I knew that it was a while ago but, I did not realize that it has been this long. What have I been up to? Well juggling my business and freelancing in the fashion industry up until early February. My freelance job ended and I've been focusing on the business full-time. It's great because, the business has been good since December. I'm excited to be giving my 100% focus to my dream and goal. I love designing fashion accessories, costing my product, shipping to my customers and following up with them.

What happens when you put your full time and energy into a dream? I think, ultimate achievement and happiness. This is when you can be yourself all of the time and let your true talents shine. When I was freelancing I felt guilty about not putting enough time and energy into my business.

The snake necklace that I offer has been doing extremely well so now, I'm offering it in two sizes. I'm also excited because, I now offer it in black which is my favorite. I did not design this necklace but, I absolutely love it. You can also wear it as a bracelet. It's a fun piece to own.

I'll keep you posted on what's going on with New York Accents business wise this year and of course, I'll interview associates in the industry and post about other topics of interest regarding a design career.


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